Life-Coaching 2.0 - Michelle M. Miller
In The Midst of It All – What Are You Grateful For?
By Michelle M. Miller, CC
Aug 6, 2008 - 11:42:58 AM

In an independent country, flowing with opportunities of higher education, better healthcare, entrepreneurial possibilities etc.; many people still live in a state of dissatisfaction.  


This discontentment creates frustration and hinders any sense of gratitude for even the simplest of things; such as the freedom to board a flight to anywhere at anytime.   A gift that many people may consider a luxury.


In a small society such as ours, where we create very little but consume so very much; one would think that the habit of good ‘ole’ gratefulness would be a part of our daily mantra.   Not so; the seeming systemic attitude of ‘entitlement’ permeates everywhere.  


And so most people are stressed and frustrated not because of their inability to access the things they need but rather, because they are unable to maintain a lifestyle of materialism, driven only by the stuff they want.


This attitude that life owes us something, just because we are inhalers of oxygen, further drives people to be upset about what they do not have; rather than being  grateful for that which they do have.   One great writer said it best - ‘succeeding in life is not about what you get; it’s about what you continue to do with what you’ve got’.


Gratefulness is an act of the heart, not of the wallet; it is your personal appreciation of life and its many blessings.

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude


Growing up ‘over da hill’ where things were supposedly ‘tough’- my mother taught me two fundamental lessons that has positively impacted my life; one is learning to satisfy with what she could provide and the other is being grateful for all that we had.   The powerful words of my mother - ‘a humble child will taste the grace of God’ always chime in my spirit.


Humbleness and gratitude are exceptional qualities that take you beyond any perceived limitation; where windows of opportunity become miraculously available.


This of course depends on your willingness to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.


Success & Gratitude


Success without gratefulness is short lived.   Whatever you are genuinely grateful for multiplies; thus you must find ways to maintain a grateful heart.


Do not solely focus on the dismal side of life; recognize that life always presents a delightful side. It is not etched in mere black or white, instead it is an array of colors, with lots of shades of gray.


Ultimately, a sincere sense of gratefulness makes the journey life a much more rewarding experience.

Final Thoughts…

Understand that gratitude takes you towards satisfaction and ungratefulness, keeps you dissatisfied.   Relinquish the idea that you are somehow entitled to a ‘perfect’ life experience.   Be mindful of the countless number of people the world over, enduring severe tragedies of wars and natural disasters. In the midst of which, many of them still greet the sunrise with a grateful smile.  


For this reason, those of us who cannot begin to imagine the horrors of war or any severely impoverished circumstances should refrain from highlighting the tiny bruising of our knee as reasons to be in an ungrateful state of mind.

Building appreciation for the small things in life brings big opportunities; but it begins with the cultivation of gratitude.


Remember - despite your life’s various challenges, there is much to be grateful for; you need only a grateful heart


Find ways to express your gratefulness; get up and make it happen.


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